
报告题目:CMS GEM detector upgrade and introduction to its electronics system
报告人:Gilles DE LENTDECKER  教授
报告人单位:Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium
摘要:The GE1/1 project plans to install large Triple-GEM detectors in the forward part of the muon spectrometer of the CMS experiment at LHC. The installation is scheduled for the next LHC long shutdown in 2019-2020, and a pre-installation of 10 chambers, fully operational, is planned for the winter 2016-17.

For these new detectors a brand new electronics system has to be developed. The developments are mainly carried-on by the University of Brussels (ULB), Texas A&M University, Lappeenranta University (Finland), PKU and CERN.

In this presentation I will report on the status of the GE1/1 project in view of 2016-17 winter pre-installation and the LS2 installation. I will highlight the GE1/1 electronic developments starting by introducing the concepts which led to the proposed architecture and by reminding the CMS electronic constraints.

Note: no pre-requisites in electronics are needed to attend this presentation.
