00001. 1.R. X. Xu, “AXPs/SGRs: Magnetars or quark-stars?”,Advances in Space Research,(2007) 40,(10) 1453;
00002. 2.Y. L. Yue, R. Xu and W. W. Zhu,“What can the braking indices tell us about the nature of pulsars?”,Advances in Space Research,(2007) 40,(10) 1491;
00003. 3.L. Chang, B. Wang, W. Yuan, H. Chen, G. Y. Shag and Y. X. Liu,“QCD phase transition in Dyson-Schwinger equation approach of QCD”,International Journal of Modern Physics E-Nuclear Physics,(2007) Aug-Sep, 16,(7-8) 2289;
00004. 4.J. Chen, P. Zhu, Y. Li, Z. Liu and G. Zhang,“The experimental determination of the fraction of neutrons below 1.5 MeV for the Chinese-made Am-Be neutron source”,Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment,(2007) Dec 21, 583,(2-3) 407;
00005. 5.C. Li, Y. L. Ye, W. L. Zhan, G. Q. Xiao, H. S. Xu, Z. Y. Guo, J. S. Wang, Z. Y. Sun, J. X. Li, M. Wang, Z. Q. Chen, D. X. Jiang, T. Zheng, H. Hua, Z. H. Li, X. Q. Li, Y. C. Ge, D. Y. Pang, J. L. Lou, F. Lu, F. Y. Fan and L. H. Lu,“Measurement of total reaction cross section for neutron-rich nucleus Li-11 on Si-28 target at medium energy”,High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics-Chinese Edition,(2007) Dec, 31,(12) 1102;
00006. 6.R. Han,“Polarization of anti-lambda in root s=200GeV polarized proton-proton collision”,High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics-Chinese Edition,(2007) Dec, 31,(12) 1189;
00007. 7.P. Zhu, Z. L. Yuan, J. X. Chen, Z. Z. Liu, G. H. Zhang, Z. M. Shi and H. L. Lu,“Applied Radiation and Isotopes”,(2007) Dec, 65,(12) 1314;
00008. 8.Z. Z. Liu, J. X. Chen, P. Zhu, Y. M. Li and G. H. Zhang,“The 4.438 MeV gamma to neutron ratio for the Am-Be neutron source”,Applied Radiation and Isotopes,(2007) Dec, 65,(12) 1318;
00009. 9.F. Huang, F. G. Cao and B. Q. Ma,“Phenomenological analysis of nucleon strangeness and meson-nucleon sigma terms”,Physical Review D,(2007) Dec, 76,(11);
00010. 10.G. H. Wang, W. J. Fu and Y. X. Liu,“Remarks concerning kaon condensation in neutron stars”,Physical Review C,(2007) Dec, 76,(6);
00011. 11.Z. X. Sun, L. Y. Xiao, Z. G. Xiao and H. Q. Zheng,“Model dependent analyses on the N-c dependence of the a pole trajectory”, Modern Physics Letters A,(2007) Mar 28, 22,(7-10) 711;
00012. 12.Y. R. Lu, U. Ratzinger, B. Schlitt and R. Tiede,“The general RF tuning for IH-DTL linear accelerators”,Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment,(2007) Nov 21, 582,(2) 336;
00013. 13.S. F. Ban, L. S. Geng, W. H. Long, J. Meng, J. Peng, J. M. Yao, S. Q. Zhang and S. G. Zhou,“Structure of nuclei far from the stability in relativistic approach”,European Physical Journal-Special Topics,(2007) Nov, 150,(139;
00014. 14.C. Q. Ma and C. Y. Gao,“Quark deconfinement in neutron star cores”,European Physical Journal A,(2007) Nov, 34,(2) 153;
00015. 15.J. Luan, Y. G. Ma and B. Q. Ma,“State-relevant Maxwell’s equation from Kaluza-Klein theory”,Physical Review D,(2007) Nov, 76,(10);
00016. 16.W. S. Li, P. F. Yin and S. H. Zhu, “Detecting H -> hh in the mirror model at the CERN large hadron collider”, Physical Review D, (2007) Nov, 76,(9);
00017. 17.L. Y. Xiao, Z. H. Guo and H. Q. Zheng,“Is the f(0)(600) meson a dynamically generated resonance? A lesson learned from the O(N) model and beyond”,International Journal of Modern Physics A,(2007) Oct 10, 22,(25) 4603;
00018. 18.B. Chen, M. Li, T. Wang and Y. Wang,“Inflation with high derivative couplings”,Modern Physics Letters A,(2007) Sep 14, 22,(25-28) 1987;
00019. 19.K. T. Chao,“Interpretations for the X (4160) observed in the double charm production at B factories”,Physics Letters B,(2008) Apr 3, 661,(5) 348;
00020. 20.L. Chang and Y. X. Liu,“Remark on the consistency of the ladder approximation and the rainbow approximation of Dyson-Schwinger equations of QCD”,International Journal of Modern Physics A,(2008) Apr 30, 23,(11) 1711;
00021. 21.X. Q. Yan, C. Lin, Z. M. Sheng, Z. Y. Guo, B. C. Liu, Y. R. Lu, J. X. Fang and J. E. Chen,“Generating high-current monoenergetic proton beams by a circularly polarized laser pulse in the phase-stable acceleration regime”,Physical Review Letters,(2008) Apr 4, 100,(13);
00022. 22.Y. C. Ge,“Laser-duration dependence of emission properties of high-order harmonic generation”,Chinese Physics Letters,(2008) Apr, 25,(4) 1305;
00023. 23.H. Wang, T. X. Chen and S. Yao,“Strain-free Al0.08In0.018Ga0.902N/GaN heterostructure: Combined Rutherford backscattering/channeling and high resolution X-ray diffraction”,Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,(2008) Apr, 266,(7) 1141;
00024. 24.X. Liu,“Understanding the newly observed y(4008) by belle”,European Physical Journal C,(2008) Apr, 54,(3) 471;
00025. 25.B. Chen,“The self-dual string soliton in AdS(4) x S(7)spacetime”,European Physical Journal C,(2008) Apr, 54,(3) 489;
00026. 26.Z. B. Ding, K. Wang, T. X. Chen, D. Chen and S. D. Yao,“Investigation on the formation mechanism and diffusion of the electrode metal of oxidized Au/Ni/p-GaN ohmic contact in different alloying time”,Acta Physica Sinica,(2008) Apr, 57,(4) 2445;
00027. 27.C. Meng and K. T. Chao,“Scalar resonance contributions to the dipion transition rates of Y(4S,5S) in the rescattering model”,Physical Review D,(2008) Apr, 77,(7);
00028. 28.W. Long, H. Sagawa, J. Meng and N. Van Giai,“Evolution of nuclear shell structure due to the pion exchange potential”,Epl,(2008) Apr, 82,(1);
00029. 29.Q. Y. Xie, Y. Liu, H. F. Sun, Y. F. Liu, X. F. Ding, D. P. Fu, K. X. Liu, X. M. Du and G. Jia,“Inhibition of acrylamide toxicity in mice by three dietary constituents”,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,(2008) Aug 13, 56,(15) 6054;
00030. 30.Z. X. Wang, X. G. Wang, J. Q. Dong, Y. Kishimoto and J. Q. Li,“Shear flows induced by nonlinear evolution of double tearing modes”,Physics of Plasmas,(2008) Aug, 15,(8);
00031. 31.Z. Z. Liu and J. X. Chen,“A Monte Carlo based technique for analysing gamma-ray spectra”,Measurement Science & Technology,(2008) Aug, 19,(8);
00032. 32.G. H. Wang, W. J. Fu and Y. X. Liu,“Comparison of properties of the simplest neutron stars in three RMF models”,Chinese Physics Letters,(2008) Aug, 25,(8) 2837;
00033. 33.C. Y. Liu, F. Wang, S. W. Quan, J. K. Hao, X. Y. Lu, B. C. Zhang and K. Zhao,“Impact on the magnetic compressor due to CSR”,Chinese Physics C,(2008) Aug, 32,(8) 665;
00034. 34.B. C. Liu, Z. H. He, X. Q. Yan, Z. M. Sheng, Z. Y. Guo, Y. R. Lu and J. E. Chen,“Generation of high-current proton beams with a low energy spread by phase-stable acceleration (PSA)”,Ieee Transactions on Plasma Science,(2008) Aug, 36,(4) 1854;
00035. 35.Y. M. Zhang and F. R. Xu,“Theoretical investigation of beta(-) decays in neutron-rich nitrogen isotope”,Acta Physica Sinica,(2008) Aug, 57,(8) 4826;
00036. 36.B. Sun, F. Montes, L. S. Geng, H. Geissel, Y. A. Litvinov and J. Meng,“Application of the relativistic mean-field mass model to the r-process and the influence of mass uncertainties”,Physical Review C,(2008) Aug, 78,(2);
00037. 37.J. Peng, J. Meng, P. Ring and S. Q. Zhang,“Covariant density functional theory for magnetic rotation”,Physical Review C,(2008) Aug, 78,(2);
00038. 38.G. H. Wang, W. J. Fu and Y. X. Liu,“Kaon condensation in neutron stars in relativistic mean field theory with isovector-scalar channel interaction”,Physical Review C,(2008) Aug, 78,(2);
00039. 39.Y. Zhang, Z. F. Hou, H. Chen, H. Q. Wei and Y. X. Liu,“Quantum phase transition in the U(4) vibron model and the E(3) symmetry”,Physical Review C,(2008) Aug, 78,(2);
00040. 40.B. Zhang, Z. Lu, B. Q. Ma and I. Schmidt,“cos2 phi asymmetries in unpolarized semi-inclusive DIS”,Physical Review D,(2008) Aug, 78,(3);
00041. 41.C. Meng and K. T. Chao,“Peak shifts due to B-(*)-(B)over-bar((*)) rescattering in Upsilon(5S) dipion transitions”,Physical Review D,(2008) Aug, 78,(3);
00042. 42.H. X. Chen, X. Liu, A. Hosaka and S. L. Zhu,“Y(2175) state in the QCD sum rule”,Physical Review D,(2008) Aug, 78,(3);
00043. 43.B. Chen and X. Liu,“D1-D3 (or ((D)over-bar3) systems with fluxes”,Journal of High Energy Physics,(2008) Aug, 8);
00044. 44.Z. Q. Guo and B. Q. Ma,“Fermion families from two layer warped extra dimensions”,Journal of High Energy Physics,(2008) Aug, 8);
00045. 45.L. Zhang, C. H. Liu and Q. J. Guo,“Measurements of thoron and radon progeny concentrations in Beijing, China”,Journal of Radiological Protection,(2008) Dec, 28,(4) 603;
00046. 46.C. Qi and F. R. Xu,“Shell-model study of spectroscopies and isospin structures in odd-odd N=Z nuclei employing realistic NN interaction”,Nuclear Physics A,(2008) Feb 15, 800,(47);
00047. 47.S. L. Zhu,“New hadron states”,International Journal of Modern Physics E-Nuclear Physics,(2008) Feb, 17,(2) 283;
00048. 48.Y. P. Sun, J. Gao and Z. Y. Guo,“A code for bunch lengthening simulation”,Chinese Physics Letters,(2008) Feb, 25,(2) 462;
00049. 49.X. Wu and Y. A. Lei,“Comparison between formulas of rotational band for axially symmetric deformed nuclei”,Chinese Physics C,(2008) Feb, 32,(2) 112;
00050. 50.J. F. Gu, H. Guo, X. G. Lee, Y. X. Liu and F. R. Xu,“Deconfinement phase Transition including perturbative QCD corrections in (proto)neutron star matter”,Communications in Theoretical Physics,(2008) Feb, 49,(2) 461;
00051. 51.S. Yan, W. J. Zhao, H. J. Ma, K. M. Wang, S. L. Li, D. Y. Shen, J. M. Xue and Y. G. Wang,“MeV Ti ion-implantation-induced damages in LiNbO3”,Journal of the Korean Physical Society,(2008) Feb, 52,(S92);
00052. 52.J. M. Yao, B. Sun, P. J. Woods and J. Meng,“Effects of triaxial deformation and pairing correlation on the proton emitter Tm-145”,Physical Review C,(2008) Feb, 77,(2);
00053. 53.X. Liu, Y. R. Liu, W. Z. Deng and S. L. Zhu,“Is Z(+)(4430) a loosely bound molecular state?”,Physical Review D,(2008) Feb, 77,(3);
00054. 54.X. T. Ren, Z. Q. Zhao and W. J. Zhao,“A discussion on the application and production of metal ion beams”,Review of Scientific Instruments,(2008) Feb, 79,(2);
00055. 55.W. J. Zhao, M. W. O. Muller, J. Janik, K. X. Liu and X. T. Ren,“DUHOCAMIS: A dual hollow cathode ion source for metal ion beams”,Review of Scientific Instruments,(2008) Feb, 79,(2);
00056. 56.S. X. Peng, M. Zhang, Z. Z. Song, R. Xu, J. Zhao, Z. X. Yuan, J. X. Yu, J. Chen and Z. Y. Guo,“Experimental results of an electron cyclotron resonance oxygen source and a low energy beam transport system for 1 MeV integral split ring radio frequency quadruple accelerator upgrade project”,Review of Scientific Instruments,(2008) Feb, 79,(2);
00057. 57.R. Xu, J. Zhao, S. X. Peng, Z. X. Yuan, Z. Z. Song, J. X. Yu and Z. Y. Guo,“Study on proton fraction of beams extracted from electron cyclotron resonance ion source”,Review of Scientific Instruments,(2008) Feb, 79,(2);
00058. 58.B. Chen, C. Y. Liu and J. B. Wu,“Operator product expansion of Wilson surfaces from M5-branes”,Journal of High Energy Physics,(2008) Jan, 1);
00059. 59.L. M. Yang, H. G. Sun, S. F. Weng, K. Zhao, L. L. Zhang, G. Z. Zhao, Y. G. Wang, Y. Z. Xu, X. Y. Lu, C. L. Zhang, J. G. Wu and C. Jia’er,“Terahertz absorption spectra of some saccharides and their metal complexes”,Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,(2008) Jan, 69,(1) 160;
00060. 60.W. J. Fu, Z. Zhang and Y. X. Liu,“2+1 flavor Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model at finite temperature and nonzero chemical potential”,Physical Review D,(2008) Jan, 77,(1);
00061. 61.X. Liu, H. X. Chen, Y. R. Liu, A. Hosaka and S. L. Zhu,“Bottom baryons”,Physical Review D,(2008) Jan, 77,(1);
00062. 62.Z. P. Li, G. C. Hillhouse and J. Meng,“Energy-dependent Lorentz covariant parameterization of the NN interaction between 50 and 200 MeV”,Physical Review C,(2008) Jan, 77,(1);
00063. 63.L. Zhang, S. G. Zhou, J. Meng and E. G. Zhao,“Real stabilization method for nuclear single-particle resonances”,Physical Review C,(2008) Jan, 77,(1);
00064. 64.K. Y. Liu, Z. G. He and K. T. Chao,“Search for excited charmonium states in e(+)e(-) annihilation at root s=10.6 GeV”,Physical Review D,(2008) Jan, 77,(1);
00065. 65.J. Q. Lu and X. S. Zhao,“Lie map for the nonlinear transport of continuous intense beams in the axial-symmetric electrostatic fields”,Progress in Natural Science,(2008) Jul 10, 18,(7) 795;
00066. 66.C. Q. Ma and C. Y. Gao,“Phase transitions in neutron stars within modified quark-meson coupling model”,Communications in Theoretical Physics,(2008) Jul 15, 50,(1) 180;
00067. 67.F. Xia, W. Guo, Y. D. Mao, X. Hou, J. M. Xue, H. W. Xia, L. Wang, Y. L. Song, H. Ji, O. Y. Qi, Y. G. Wang and L. Jiang,“Gating of single synthetic nanopores by proton-driven DNA molecular motors”,Journal of the American Chemical Society,(2008) Jul 2, 130,(26) 8345;
00068. 68.B. Chen and W. He,“Hawking radiation of black rings from anomalies”,Classical and Quantum Gravity,(2008) Jul 7, 25,(13);
00069. 69.Y. Zhang, H. Sagawa, D. Yoshino, K. Hagino and J. Meng,“Shape evolution of C isotopes in (beta, gamma) deformation plane”,Progress of Theoretical Physics,(2008) Jul, 120,(1) 129;
00070. 70.B. H. Sun and J. Meng,“Challenge on the astrophysical r-process calculation with nuclear mass models”,Chinese Physics Letters,(2008) Jul, 25,(7) 2429;
00071. 71.Y. Chen, Z. Q. Zhao, J. F. Dai, Y. M. Liu, H. J. Ma and R. Nie,“Etching characteristic for tracks of multicharged ions in polymer”,Radiation Measurements,(2008) Jul, 43,(S111;
00072. 72.L. Ma, Q. Z. Chen, J. M. Xue and Y. G. Wang,“A study of energy loss and straggling of MeV protons in biological samples”,Radiation Measurements,(2008) Jul, 43,(S598;
00073. 73.W. Guo, J. M. Xue, W. M. Zhang, X. Q. Zou and Y. G. Wang,“Electrolytic conduction properties of single conical nanopores”,Radiation Measurements,(2008) Jul, 43,(S623;
00074. 74.W. M. Zhang, J. Li, Y. D. Liu, W. Guo, A. F. Liang, J. M. Xue and Y. G. Wang,“Study of etched ion track profiles in silicon dioxide membrane”,Radiation Measurements,(2008) Jul, 43,(S627;
00075. 75.Y. C. Ge,“Emission properties of high-order harmonic generation”,Acta Physica Sinica,(2008) Jul, 57,(7) 4091;
00076. 76.Z. P. Li, G. C. Hillhouse and J. Meng,“Validity of the relativistic impulse approximation for elastic proton-nucleus scattering at energies lower than 200 MeV”,Physical Review C,(2008) Jul, 78,(1);
00077. 77.S. L. Zhu,“Spectroscopy of mesons with heavy quarks”,Nuclear Physics A,(2008) Jun 1, 805,(221C;
00078. 78.L. M. Yang, G. Z. Zhao, K. Zhao, X. X. Shi, X. F. Jia, S. F. Weng, Y. Z. Xu, X. Y. Lu, D. T. Xie, J. G. Wu and J. E. Chen,“Far-IR and THz absorption spectra studies of cholic acid and deoxycholic acid”,Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese,(2008) Jun 10, 29,(6) 1116;
00079. 79.J. Q. Wang, X. G. Wang and C. J. Xiao,“Out-of-plane bipolar and quadrupolar magnetic fields generated by shear flows in two-dimensional resistive reconnection”,Physics Letters A,(2008) Jun 16, 372,(25) 4614;
00080. 80.B. Chen,“M5-branes and Wilson surfacesB. Chen”,International Journal of Modern Physics A,(2008) Jun 20, 23,(14-15) 2195;
00081. 81.B. Q. Ma,“Muon charge ratio of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays”,Modern Physics Letters A,(2008) Jun 28, 23,(17-20) 1443;
00082. 82.B. Chen,“Noncommutative inflation and non-Gaussianity”,Modern Physics Letters A,(2008) Jun 28, 23,(17-20) 1577;
00083. 83.Y. Chen, Z. Q. Zhao and Y. M. Liu,“Wettability characteristic of PTFE and glass surface irradiated by keV ions”,Applied Surface Science,(2008) Jun 30, 254,(17) 5497;
00084. 84.Y. P. Sun, J. Gao, Z. Y. Guo and W. S. Wan,“International Linear Collider damping ring lattice design based on modified FODO arc cells”,Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams,(2008) Jun, 11,(6);
00085. 85.Y. C. Ge,“Use of photoelectron laser phase determination method for attosecond measurements with quantum-mechanical calculations”,Chinese Physics B,(2008) Jun, 17,(6) 2072;
00086. 86.R. Han, H. X. Ye, Y. T. Liang and Y. J. Mao,“An approach to extract the spin transfer to (Lambda)over-bar in polarized proton-proton collision”,Chinese Physics Letters,(2008) Jun, 25,(6) 1988;
00087. 87.J. L. Lou, Z. H. Li, Y. L. Ye, D. X. Jiang, H. Hua, X. Q. Li, S. Q. Zhang, T. Zheng, Y. C. Ge, Z. Kong, L. H. Lv, C. Li, F. Lu, F. Y. Fan, Z. Y. Li, Z. X. Cao, L. Y. Ma, Faisal, H. S. Xu, Z. G. Hu, M. Wang, X. G. Lei, L. M. Duan, Z. G. Xiao, W. L. Zhan, G. Q. Xiao, T. H. Huang, F. Fu, X. H. Zhang, C. Zheng, Y. H. Yu, X. L. Tu, Y. P. Zhang, Y. Y. Yang, H. B. Zhang, B. Tang, Y. L. Tian, Y. Z. Ou, M. R. Huang, Z. G. Xu, K. Yue and Q. Gao,“The beta decay of N-21”,Chinese Physics Letters,(2008) Jun, 25,(6) 1992;
00088. 88.Y. C. Ge,“Carrier-envelope-phase dependence of emission properties of high-order harmonic generation”,Chinese Physics Letters,(2008) Jun, 25,(6) 2070;
00089. 89.D. Chen, Z. Ding, S. Yao, W. Hua, K. Wang and T. X. Chen,“Nano-clusters structure and magnetic properties of high fluence Mn+ ion-implanted GaN”,Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,(2008) Jun, 266,(12-13) 2797;
00090. 90.J. Li, Y. Gao, W. M. Zhang, S. Yan, H. M. Xue and Y. G. Wang,“Wet etching of GaN damaged by heavy ion irradiation”,Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,(2008) Jun, 266,(12-13) 2824;
00091. 91.K. Wang, Z. B. Ding, T. X. Chen, D. Chen, S. D. Yao and Z. X. Fu,“Effects of 120 keV nitrogen and its fluence on the structural, electrical, and optical properties of ZnO film”,Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,(2008) Jun, 266,(12-13) 2962;
00092. 92.T. X. Chen, S. D. Yao, K. Wang and H. Wang,“The modification of mechanical properties by 2 MeV Si ions irradiating polyimide”,Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,(2008) Jun, 266,(12-13) 3091;
00093. 93.W. Guo, J. M. Xue, L. Wang and Y. G. Wang,“Controllable etching of heavy ion tracks with organic solvent addition in etchant”,Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,(2008) Jun, 266,(12-13) 3095;
00094. 94.W. M. Zhang, J. Li, L. X. Cao, Y. G. Wang, W. Guo, K. X. Liu and J. M. Xue,“Fabrication of nanoporous silicon dioxide/silicon nitride membranes using etched ion track technique”,Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,(2008) Jun, 266,(12-13) 3166;
00095. 95.Z. Z. Liu and J. X. Chen,“New calculations of neutron kerma coefficients and dose equivalent”,Journal of Radiological Protection,(2008) Jun, 28,(2) 185;
00096. 96.X. Liu, C. Chen, W. Z. Deng and X. L. Chen,“A note on Xi(c)(3055)(+) and Xi(c)(3123)(+)”,Chinese Physics C,(2008) Jun, 32,(6) 424;
00097. 97.K. T. Chao, X. G. He and J. P. Ma,“On two-body decays of a scalar glueball”,European Physical Journal C,(2008) Jun, 55,(3) 417;
00098. 98.J. Liu, P. F. Yin and S. H. Zhu,“Neutrino signals from solar neutralino annihilations in anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking model”,Physical Review D,(2008) Jun, 77,(11);
00099. 99.X. Liu, B. Zhang and S. L. Zhu,“Two-body open charm decays of Z(+)(4430)”,Physical Review D,(2008) Jun, 77,(11);
100.Z. Y. Li, H. Hua, S. Y. Wang, J. Meng, Z. H. Li, X. Q. Li, F. R. Xu, H. L. Liu, S. Q. Zhang, Y. L. Ye, D. X. Jiang, T. Zheng, L. Y. Ma, F. Lu, F. Y. Fan, L. Y. Han, H. Wang, J. Xiao, D. Chen, X. Fang, J. L. Lou, S. G. Zhou, L. H. Zhu, X. G. Wu, G. S. Li, C. Y. He, Y. Liu, X. Hao, B. Pan and L. H. Li,“High-spin states in Yb-156 and structure evolutions at large angular momenta in even-A Yb isotopes”,Physical Review C,(2008) Jun, 77,(6);
101.Y. Chen and B. Q. Ma,“Mixing of 1/2(-) octets under SU(3) symmetry”,Modern Physics Letters A,(2008) Mar 21, 23,(9) 703;
102.Z. B. Ding, K. Wang and S. D. Yao,“A comparison of GaN epilayers with multiple buffer layers and with a single buffer layer grown on Si(111) studied by HRXRD and RBS/channeling”,Chinese Physics Letters,(2008) Mar, 25,(3) 1131;
103.K. T. Chao, C. R. Ching, D. S. Du, S. X. Fang, Z. H. He, S. N. Huang, F. H. Li, M. H. Ye, C. Z. Yuan, H. Q. Zhang and Z. P. Zheng,“In memoriam Yifan Gu (1933-2007)”,Chinese Physics Letters,(2008) Mar, 25,(3) 1164;
104.Y. M. Liu, Z. Q. Zhao, Y. Chen, D. Lan and Y. R. Wang,“Anisotropic deformation of polystyrene particles by MeV Au ion irradiation”,Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,(2008) Mar, 266,(6) 894;
105.J. Zhao, S. X. Peng, Y. R. Lu and Z. Y. Guo,“Control system of a low-energy high-current ion beam transport test bench”,Chinese Physics C,(2008) Mar, 32,(115;
106.Z. Y. Guo, R. Xu, J. C. Ming, Y. B. Zou, S. L. Gao, J. Zhao, S. X. Peng, W. Z. Wu, F. Qian, Z. Z. Song, J. X. Yu, Z. X. Yuan and M. L. Yu,“Measurement techniques of high-current ion beam emittance”,Chinese Physics C,(2008) Mar, 32,(148;
107.J. K. Hao, K. Zhao, B. C. Zhang, S. W. Quan, L. F. Wang and J. E. Chen,“Researches on large grain SC cavities at Peking University”,Chinese Physics C,(2008) Mar, 32,(181;
108.J. K. Hao and K. Zhao,“Recent progress on RF superconductivity and ERL”,Chinese Physics C,(2008) Mar, 32,(200;
109.M. Zhang, S. X. Peng, Z. Z. Song, J. Zhao, R. Xu, Z. X. Yuan, Z. Y. Guo, Y. R. Lu and J. X. Yu,“Experimental results of an ECR oxygen source and a LEBT system for 1MeV ISR RFQ accelerator upgrade project”,Chinese Physics C,(2008) Mar, 32,(220;
110.J. E. Chen, Z. Y. Guo, Y. R. Lu, S. L. Gao, K. Zhu, Z. Wang, X. Q. Yan, S. X. Peng, J. Zhao, J. F. Guo, W. G. Li, M. L. Yu, Z. X. Yuan and J. X. Fang,“R&D status of SFRFQ accelerating system”,Chinese Physics C,(2008) Mar, 32,(231;
111.Z. Meng, L. Yuan-Rong, P. Shi-Xiang, Z. Kun, Y. Xue-Qing, G. Shu-Li, W. Zhi, G. Zhi-Yu, Z. Jie, F. Jia-Xun, L. Wei-Guo, G. Ju-Fang, Y. Zhong-Xi, S. Zhi-Zhong, Y. Jin-Xiang, Y. Mao-Lin and C. Jia-Er,“Upgrading of a heavy ion 1MeV ISR RFQ accelerator”,Chinese Physics C,(2008) Mar, 32,(262;
112.Y. U. Jin-Xiang, C. Ming-Hui and H. Jian-Wei,“An atomic oxygen device based on PIG oxygen negative ion source”,Chinese Physics C,(2008) Mar, 32,(298;
113.Z. Zhang and J. Q. Lu,“Lie algebraic analysis for the nonlinear transport of intense bunched beam in electrostatic quadrupoles”,Chinese Physics C,(2008) Mar, 32,(3) 209;
114.X. Liu and B. Zhang,“What can we learn from the decay of N-X(1625) in the molecule picture?”,European Physical Journal C,(2008) Mar, 54,(2) 253;
115.Y. C. Ge,“Quantum enhancement in laser-assisted photoionization and a method for the measurement of an attosecond xuv pulse”,Physical Review A,(2008) Mar, 77,(3);
116.F. R. Ding, P. Shi, R. Nie and H. J. Ma,“The measurements of the secondary ion emissions on the charge state of fast ions and clusters”,Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,(2008) Mar, 77,(3);
117.B. Zhang, Z. Lu, B. Q. Ma and I. Schmidt,“Extracting Boer-Mulders functions from p+D Drell-Yan processes”,Physical Review D,(2008) Mar, 77,(5);
118.P. Gao and B. Q. Ma,“Influence of heavy-quark recombination on the nucleon strangeness asymmetry”,Physical Review D,(2008) Mar, 77,(5);
119.K. J. Fang, B. Chen and W. Xue,“Noncommutative geometry modified non-Gaussianities of cosmological perturbation”,Physical Review D,(2008) Mar, 77,(6);
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145.G. H. Zhang, J. G. Zhang, R. T. Cao, L. Guo, J. X. Chen, Y. M. Gledenov, M. V. Sedysheva, G. Khuukhenkhuu and P. J. Szalanski,“Measurement of differential cross section for the Zn-64(n,alpha) Ni-61 reaction at 2.54, 4.00, and 5.50 MeV”,Nuclear Science and Engineering,(2008) Sep, 160,(1) 123;
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245.Guohui Zhang,Hao Wu,Jiaguo Zhang,Jiaming Liu,Yuxiang Yin,Jinxiang Chen,Yu.M.Gledenov,M.V.Sedysheva,G.Khuukhenkhuu,P.E.Koehler,P.J.Szalanski,“Cross section measurement for the 95Mo(n,α)92Zr reaction at 4.0,5.0 and 6.0 MeV”,Applied Radiation and Isotopes,(2010),68,180-183;
1. Lin Wang,Yu Yan,Yanbo Xie,Long Chen,Jianming Xue,Sha Yan and Yugang Wang,A method to tune the ioniccurrent rectification of track-etched nanopores by using surfactant, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., (2011),13,576-581
2. C.Xu,H.Hua,X.Q.Li,etc., New insight into the shape coexistence and shape evolution of 157Yb, Phys.Rev.C,(2011),83(1),014318(6)
3. Bin Chen, Jia-ju Zhang, Quasi-normal modes of extremal black holes from hidden conformal symmetry, Phys.Lett.B,(2011),699,204-210
4. Yongming Li, Xichao Ruan, Zhongyuan Ma, Bin Zhou, Jinxiang Chen, Particle pulse shape discrimination on asilicon surface barrier detector irradiated with 14 MeV neutrons, Nul.Ins.Met.A , (2011),625,35-38
5. B.Chen, A.M.Ghezelbash, V.Kamali, M.R.Setare, Holographic description of Kerr-Bolt-AdS-dS spacetimes, Nucl.Phys.B, (2011),848,108-120
6. Junfeng Han,Cheng Liao,Tao Jiang,etc. An optimized multilayer structure od CdS layer for CdTe solar cellsapplication , J.Alloys and compounds , (2011),509,5285-5289
7. 廖成,韩俊峰,江涛,谢华木,焦飞,赵夔,硒蒸气浓度对制备CIGS薄膜的影响,物理化学学报(Acta Phys.-Chim.Sin.), (2011),27(2),432-436
8. 廖成,韩俊峰,江涛,谢华木,焦飞,赵夔,两步法制备CIGS薄膜的工艺研究,无机化学学报(Chinese J. Ino.Chem.) , (2011),27(1),1-5
9. W.C.Chen, X.D.Li, and R.X.Xu, He star evolutionary channel to intermediate-mass binary pulsar PSR J1802-2124 ,Astronomy&Astrophysics, (2011),530,104-108
10. M.Yu,R.X.Xu, Toward an understanding of thermal X-ray emission of pulsars Astroparticle Phys. (2011),34,493-502
11. LIU Xiong-Wei, NA Xue-Sen, XU Ren-Xin, QIAO Guo-Jun, Particle emission-dependent timing noise of pulsars,Chin.Phys.Lett. ,(2011),28(1),019701
12. X.S.Na, N.Wang, J.P.Yuan, Z.Y.Liu, A.Esamdin, J.Pan and R.X.Xu, Hurst parameter analysis of radio pulsar timingresiduals ,Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc. ,(2011),412,2678-2684
13. S.I.Bastrukov.J.W.Yu, R.X.Xu,I.V.Molodtsova, Radiative activity of magnetic white dwarf undergoing lorentz-forcedriventorsional vibrations,Modern Physics letters A , (2011),26(5),359-366
14. Sergey Bastrukov, Junwei Yu, Irina Molodtsova, Renxin Xu, On hoyle-narlikar-wheeler mechanism of vibrationenergy powered magneto-dipole emission of neutron stars, Astrophysics and space science , 2011.4.14
15. W.C.Chen, Xinwei Liu, X.D.Li, and R.X.Xu, Can eccentric binary millisecond pulsars form by accretion-inducedcollapse of white dwarfs? , Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc. , (2011),410,1441-1446
16. ZHANG Qi-Ren, GAO Chun-Yuan, Quantum corrections on relativistic mean field theory for nuclear matter ,Commun.Theor.Phys. , (2011),55(5),765-770
17. ZHONG-MING NIU, CHUN-YUAN GAO, δ meson effects on neutron stars in the modified quark-meson couplingmodel , Int. J. Mod. Phys.E , (2011),19(11),2247-2263
18. Peng-Zhi Huang, Hua Xing Chen, Shi Lin Zhu, Strong decay patterns of the 1-+ exotic hybrid mesons , Phys.Rev.D,(2011),83(1),014021(12)
19. 19 Hua-Xing Chen, Zi-Xing Cai, Peng-Zhi Huang, Decay properties of the 1-+ hybrid state , Phys.Rev.D ,(2011),83(1),014006(14)Publications
20. Wei Chen, Shilin Zhu, Vector and axial-vector charmoniumlike states , Phys.Rev.D , (2011),83(3),034010(18)
21. Hua-Xing Chen, V.Dmitrasinovic, Atsushi Hosaka, Baryon fields with UL(3) ×UR(3) chiral symmetry. III.Interactions with chiral[(3, ] ( , 3) spinless mesons, Phys.Rev.D, (2011),83(1),014015(16)
22. Zhan-Wei Liu, Yan-Rui Liu, Shi-Lin Zhu, Pseudoscalar meson and decuplet baryon scatting lengths ,Phys.Rev.D,(2011),83(3),034004(14)
23. Liuxuan Cao, Wei Guo, Yugang Wang, etc. , Towards understanding the nanofluidic reverse electrodialysissystem:well matched charge selectivity and ionic composition ,Energy Environ.Sci. ,2011,09,may
24. Tao Mei, Gen Yang, Qi Quan, Yugang Wang, Oxidative metabolism involved in non-targeted effects induced byproton radiation in intact arabidopsis seeds, J.Radiat.Res. , (2011),52,159-167
25. Z.J.Liu, C.Y.Zheng, X.T.He, Yugang Wang, Stimulated backward brillouin scattering in two ion-species plasmas ,Phys. Of Plasmas ,(2011),18(3),,032705(4)
26. Yuan Gao, Tenfei Yang…Yugang Wang… , Radiation tolerance of Cu/W multilayered nanocomposites,J.Nucl.Materials ,(2011),413,11-15
27. XI XianTing, DING XingFang,…LIU KeXin, Regional △14C patterns and fossil fuel derived CO2 distribution in theBeijing area using annual plants, Chin.Sci.Bull. , (2011),56(16),1721-1726
28. Y. P. Sun, J. Gao and Z. Y. Guo, Measurement of 10B content in thin-film 10B samples, Appl.Rad.Iso. , (2011),69,858-
29. NIE Yuan-Cun, LU Yuan-Rong… , Theoretical design of a 104 MHz Ladder Type IH-RFQ accelerator, Chin.Phys.Lett. , (2011),27(11),112901
30. LU Yuan-Rong, CHEN Wei, NIE Yuan-Cun…. , Power test of the ladder IH-RFQ accelerator at peking university ;Chin.Phys.Lett. , (2011),28(7),072901
31. J.Guo, T.Bucherl, Y.Zou, Z.Guo, Study on beam geometry and image reconstruction algorithm in fast neutroncomputerized tomography at NECTARfacility , Nucl.Ins.Meth.in Phys.Res.A , 2011.01.097
32. Y.B.Zou, B.Schillinger, S.Wang, X.S.Zhang… , Coded source neutron imaging with a MURA mask , Nucl.Ins.Meth.in Phys.Res.A , 2011.02.094
33. Y.B.Zou, Weiwei Wen, Zhiyu Guo… , PKUNIFTY:a neutron imaging facility based on an RFQ accelerator ,Nucl.Ins.Meth.in Phys.Res.A , 2011.02.011
34. Sheng Wang, Yubing Zou, Xueshuang Zhang… , Coded source imaging simulation with visible light , Nucl.Ins.Meth.in Phys.Res.A , 2011.01.114
35. M.L.Kang, Y.R.Lu, J.E.Chen, K.Zhu, Z.Wang… , Separated function RFQ beam dynamics design andcommissioning, Nucl.Ins.Meth.in Phys.Res.A , 2011.03.035
36. Huiying Song, Xinyu Zhang, Bo-Qiang Ma, Light flavor asymmetry of nucleon sea , Eur.Phys.J.C , (2011),71,1542
37. Jiacai Zhu,Bo-Qiang Ma, proposal for measuring new transverse momentum dependent parton distributions giTand h 1/1L through semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering , Phys.Lett.B , (2011),696,246-251
38. Yuezhen Niu, Junwu Huang, Bo-Qiang Ma, Bose and fermi gases in the early universe with self-gravitationaleffect, Phys.Rev.D , (2011),83(6),063517
39. Haitao Liu, Yujie Chi, Lijing Shao, Bo-Qiang Ma, Octet quark contents from SU(3) flavor symmetry , Europhys.Lett., (2011),94,31001
40. Nan Qin, Bo-Qiang Ma, Parametrization of fermion mixing matrices in Kobayashi-Maskawa form, Phys.Rev.D,(2011),83(3),033006
41. Jun She, Bo-Qiang Ma, Collins effect in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering process with a 3He target, Phys.
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42. Xinyu Zhang,Lijing Shao,Bo-Qiang Ma, Photon gas thermodynamics in doubly special relativity, AstroparticlePhys., (2011),34,840-845
43. Zhiyu Gong,Sha Yan,Hongji Ma,Rui Nie…, Study of tapered glass capillary focusing MeV ion beam, Nucl.Ins.Meth.in Phys.Res.B, 2011.01.103
44. Jun Gao,Chong Sheng Li…, Next-to-leading QCD effect on the quark compositeness search at the LHC, Phys.Rev.Lett., (2011),106(14),142001
45. Liang Dai,Dingyu Shao,Chongsheng Li…, Next-to-leading QCD predictions for A0γ associated production at theCERN Large hadron collider, Phys.Rev.D, (2011),83(5),054002
46. Huaxing Zhu,Chongsheng Li,Jia Wang…, Factorization and resummation of s-channel single top quark production,JHEP, (2011),02,099
47. Yue Zhang,Bohua Li,Chongsheng Li…, Next-to-leading order QCD predictions for tγ associated production viamodel-independent flavor-changing neutral-current couplings at hadron colliders, Phys.Rev.D, (2011),83(9),094003
48. Y.F.Niu,N.Paar,D.Vretenar,J.Meng, Stellar electron-capture rates calculated with the finite-temperature relativisticrandom-phase approximation, Phys.Rev.C, (2011),83(4),045807
49. LI Jian,MENG Jie…, Relativistic description of second-order correction to nuclear magnetic moments with pointcouplingresidual interaction, SCIENCE CHINA Phy.Mechanics&Astronomy, (2011),54(2),204-209
50. Jian Li,S.Q.Zhang,J.Meng, Multiple chiral doublet candidate nucleus 105Rh in a relativistic mean-field approach ,Phys.Rev.C , (2011),83(3),037301
51. P.W.Zhao,S.Q.Zhang,J.Peng,H.Z.Liang,P.Ring,J.Meng, Novel structure for magnetic rotation bands in 60Ni , Phys.Lett.B , (2011),699,181-186
52. Y.Zhang,M.Matsuo,J.Meng, Persistent contribution of unbound quasiparticles to the pair correlation in thecontinuum skyrme-hartree-fock-bogoliubov approach , Phys.Rev.C , (2011),83(5),054301
53. Haozhao Liang,Pengwei Zhao,Ying Zhang,Jie Meng… , Perturbative interpretation of relativistic symmetries innuclei , Phys.Rev.C , (2011),83(4),041301
54. Haozhao Liang,Pengwei Zhao,Lulu Li,Jie Meng, Spin-orbit and orbit-orbit strengths for the radioactive neutron-richdoubly magic nucleus 132Sn in relativistic mean-field theory , Phys.Rev.C , (2011),83(1),011302
55. Lin Li,S D Yao,… , Tailoring the magnetism of GaMnAs films by ion irradiation , J.Phys.D , (2011),44,045001
56. Fa Tao,Li Lin,Yao Shu-De… , Unidirectional expansion of lattice parameters in GaN induced by ion implantation,Chin.Phys.B , (2011),20(5),056101
57. Bo Xiao,You-Kai Wang,Zhong-Qiu Zhou,Shou-hua Zhu, Edge charge asymmetry in top pair production at the LHC,Phys.Rev.D , (2011),83(5),057503
58. Zhong-qiu Zhou,Bo Xiao,You-kai Wang,Shou-hua Zhu, Discriminating different Z’s via asymmetries at the LHC,Phys.Rev.D , (2011),83(9),094022
59. You-kai Wang,Bo Xiao,Shou-hua Zhu , One-side forward-backward asymmetry at the LHC, Phys.Rev.D,(2011),83(1),015002
60. J.L.Lou,Y.L.Ye,D.Y.Pang…, Quasielastic scattering of 6He from 12C at 82.3 MeV/nucleon, Phys.Rev.C,(2011),83(3),034612
61. Sixue Qin,Lei Chang,Huan Chen,Yuxin Liu,Craig D.Roberts, Phase Diagram and critical end point for stronglyinteracting Quarks , Phys.Rev.Lett. , (2011),106(17),172301
62. G.Y.Shao,M.Di Toro,B Liu,M.Colonna,V.Greco,Y.X.Liu ,S.Plumari, Hadron-quark phase transition in asymmetric
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63. Yan-Qing Ma,Kai Wang,Kuang-Ta Chao, QCD rediative corrections to χcJ production at hadron colliders, Phys.Rev.D , (2011),83(11),111503
64. Dan Li,Yan-Qing Ma,Kuang-Ta Chao, χcJ production associated with a pair at hadron colliders, Phys.Rev.D,(2011),83(11),114037
65. Yan-Qing Ma,Kai Wang,Kuang-Ta Chao, J/ψ(ψ’) production at the Tevatron and LHC at ο(α4s υ4) in nonrelativisticQCD, Phys.Rev.Lett. , (2011),106(4),042002
66. Huai-Ke Guo,Yan-Qing Ma,Kuang-Ta Chao, ο(α4s υ4) corrections to hadronic and electromagnetic decays of 1S0heavy quarkonium, Phys.Rev.D, (2011),83(11),114038
67. Yucheng Ge and Haiping He , Quantum interference in laser-assisted photoionization and analytical methods forthe measurenment of an attosecond xuv pulse, Phy.Rev.A, (2011),84(2),023804(5)
68. Qiong-Lin Ni,Xiao-Gang Wang,Cheng Zhang and Tie-Shuan Fan , A full-f calculation of spontaneous toroidalrotation in H-mode plasmas , Plasma Phys.Control.Fusion, (2011),53,085027
69. XI XianTing,DING XingFang,FU DongPo,ZHOU LiPing&LIU KeXin , Regional △14C patterns and fossil fuel derivedCO2 distribution in the Beijing area using annual plants , Chinese Sci. Bull. , (2011),56(16),1721-1726
70. Zhan-Wei Liu,Yan-Rui Liu,Xiang Liu,Shi-Lin Zhu , Pseudoscalar meson and heavy vector meson scatteringlengths, Phys.Rev.D, (2011),84(3),034002(11)
71. Ning Lee,Zhi-Gang Luo,Xiao-Lin Chen,and Shi-Lin Zhu , Possible deuteronlinke molecular states composed ofheavy baryons , Phys.Rev.D , (2011),84(1),014031(15)
72. Xiao-Ping Wang,You-Kai Wang,Bo Xiao,Jia Xu and Shou-Hua Zhu , New color-octet vector boson revisited , Phys.Rev.D , (2011),83(11),115010(4)
73. Xiao-Ping Wang,You-Kai Wang,Bo Xiao,Jia Xu and Shou-Hua Zhu , O(100 GeV) deci-weak W’/Z’ at Tevatron andLHC , Phys.Rev.D , (2011),83(11),117707(3)
74. SHOU-HUA ZHU, V-particle again? , Int.J. Mod.Phys. , (2011),20(8),1399-1412
75. H.L.Liu,F.R.Xu,Y.Sun,P.M.Walker,and R.Wyss , On the stability of high-K isomers in the second well of actinidenuclei , Eur.Phys.J.A , (2011),47,135
76. D.Y.Pang,Y.L.Ye,and F.R.Xu , Application of the Bruyères Jeukenne-Lejeune-Mahaux model potential to compositenuclei with a single-folding approach , Phys.Rev.C , (2011),83(6),064619(12)
77. CAO ZhongXin&YE YanLin , Study of the structure of unstable nuclei through the reaction experiments , Sci.ChinaPhy.Mech. , (2011),54(1),s1-s5
78. Lü LinHui,YE YanLin,JIANG DongXing,HUA Hui,ZHENG Tao,LI ZhiHuan… , Knockout reaction mechanismstudied by 6He projectile , Sci.China Phy.Mech. , (2011),54(1),s136-s140
79. HUA Hui,LI ZhiHuan,YE YanLin,JIANG DongXing.LOU JianLing,LI XiangQing&XU FuRong , β-decay studies ofthe neutron-rich 18,21N isotopes , Sci.China Phy.Mech. , (2011),54(1),s53-s60
80. Lin Wang, Lixin Sun, Ceming Wang, Long Chen, Liuxuan Cao, Guoqing Hu, Jianming Xue, and Yugang Wang ,Nanofluidic pulser based on polymer conical nanopores , J.Phys.Chem.C , (2011),115,22736-22741
81. S.Y.Wang, B.Qi, L.Liu, S.Q.Zhang, H.Hua, X.Q.Li… , The first candidate for chiral nuclei in the A~80 massregion:80Br, Phys.Lett.B , (2011),703,40-45
82. P.W.Zhao, J.Peng, H.Z.Liang, P.Ring,and J.Meng, Antimagnetic rotation band in nuclei:A microscopic description ,Phys.Rev.Lett. , (2011),107(12),122501(5)
83. Jian Li, J.M.Yao, Jie Meng, and Akito Arima, One-pion exchange current corrections for nuclear magnetic moments
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84. Hongzhao Li,Lei Zhang and Qiuju Guo , Behaviours and influence factors of radon progeny in three typicaldwellings , J.Radiological Protection , (2011),31,135-140
85. Liang Zhang and Qiuju Guo , Observation and analysis of atmospheric radon in Qingdao,China , J.RadiologicalProtection , (2011),31,129-134
86. S.F.Shen,S.J.Zheng,F.R.Xu,and R.Wyss , Stability of triaxial shapes in ground and excited states of even-evennuclei in the A~70 region , Phys.Rev.C , (2011),84(4),044315(5)
87. X.B.Wang,C.Qi,F.R.Xu , Isovector channel of quark-meson-coupling model and its effect on symmetry energy ,Nucl.Phys.A , (2011),865,57-68
88. WANG SiMin,XU Chen,LIOTTA R J,QI Chong,XU FuRong&JIANG DongXing , Alpha-particle decays from excitedstates in 24Mg , Sci.China Phy.Mech. , (2011),54,s130-s135
89. Xiang Liu,Guihui Zhang , Equivalence of the Abraham momentum and the Minkowski momentum of photons inmedia , Optics Communications , (2011),284,4546-4549
90. ZHANG Guo-Hui,LIU Xiang,LIU Jia-Ming… , Measurement of cross sections for the 10B(n,α)7Li reaction at 4.0 and
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91. Guohui Zhang,Yu.M.Gledenov,G.Khuukhenkhuu,…and Jinxiang Chen , 149Sm(n,α)146Nd cross section in the MeVregion , Phys.Rev.Lett. , (2011),107(25),252502(5)
92. F.Cheng,Tao Fa,Shude ,Chen-Jun Wu…Zhe Chuan Feng , Tetragonal distortion of InAsPSb film grown onInAs substrate studied by rutherford backscattering/channeling and synchrotron X-ray diffraction , Physica B ,(2011),406,3219-3221
93. Pan Feng,Guo Ying…and Yao Shu-De , Synthesis of ZnFe2O4 nanomagnets by Fe-ion implantation into ZnO andpost-annealing , Chin.Phys.B , (2011),20(12),127501
94. DING Bin-Beng,PAN Feng,FENG Zhe-Chuan…YAO Shu-De , Structural analysis of InxGa1-Xn/GaN MQWs bydifferent experimental methods , Chin.Phys.Lett. , (2011),28(7),078201
95. 潘峰,丁斌峰,法涛,成枫锋,周生强,姚淑德 , Fe 离子注入ZnO生成超顺磁纳米颗粒 ,物理学报Acta Phys.Sin. ,(2011),60(10),108501
96. Lin Li,S.D.Yao,O.Roshchupkina…Shengqiang Zhou , Characterization and local magnetic modification of ionirradiated GaMnAs , Nucl.Instr.and Meth.Phys.Res.B , (2011),269,2469-2473
97. Lin Li,S.Prucnal,S.D.Yao…Shengqiang Zhou , Rise and fall of defect induced ferromagnetism in SiC singlecrystals , Applied Phys.Lett. , (2011),98(22),222508
98. M.Ablikim,M.N.Achasov,D.Alberto,Q.An,Z.H.An,J.Z.Bai,… , ηπ+π- resonant structure around 1.8 GeV/c2 andη(1405) in J/Ψ→ωηπ+π- , Phys.Rev.Lett. , (2011),107(18),182001(6)
99. Bo Zhu,Pietro Govoni,Yajun Mao,…Weimin Wu , Same sign WW scattering process as a probe of Higgs boson inpp collision at $\sqrt{s}=10$TeV , Eur.Phys.J.C , (2011),71,1514
100. 100 Shengqiang Zhou,Artem Shalimov,Yugang Wang,Kay Potzger , Lattice damage and secondary phaseformation in Yttria stabilised zirconia implanted with Fe at different temperatures , J.Nucl.Materials , (2011),416,358-
101. 101 Tengfei Yang,Yuan Gao,Xuejun Huang…Yugang Wang , The transformation balance between two types ofstructural defects in silica glass in ion-irradiation processes , J.of Non-Crystalline solids , (2011),357,3245-3250
102. 102 Ding Yu Shao,Chong Sheng Li…and Hua Xing Zhu , Model-independent analysis of top quark forwardbackwardasymmetry at the Tevatron up to O(α2s/Λ2) , Phys.Rev.D , (2011),84(5),054016(13)
103. 103 Jian Wang,Chong Sheng Li,Ding Yu Shao,and Hao Zhang , Next-to-leading order QCD predictions for thesignal of dark matter and photon associated production at the LHC , Phys.Rev.D , (2011),84(7),075011
104. 104 Hua Xing Zhu,Chong Sheng Li,Liang Dai,Jun Gao,Jian Wang and C.P.Yuan , One-loop helicity amplitudes fortop quark pair production in Randall-Sundrum model , JHEP , (2011),9,043
105. 105 Jun Gao,Chong Sheng Li,Li Lin Yang,and Hao Zhang , Searching for anomalous top quark production at theEarly LHC , Phys.Rev.Lett. , (2011),107(9),092002(5)
106. 106 Bo Hua Li,Yue Zhang ,Chong Sheng Li,Jun Gao,and Hua Xing Zhu , Next-to-leading order QCD correctionsto tZ associated production via the flavor-changing neutral-current couplings at hadron colliders , Phys.Rev.D ,(2011),83(11),114049(14)
107. 107 Hao Zhang,Qing-Hong Cao,Chuan-Ren Chen and Chong Sheng Li , Effective dark matter model:relicdensity,CDMS II,Fermi LAT and LHC , JHEP , (2011),08,018
108. 108 Qing-Hong Cao,Shaaban Khalil,…and Hiroshi Okada , Nonzero θ13 for neutrino mixing in a supersymmetricB-L gauge model with T7 lepton flavor symmetry , Phys.Rev.D , (2011),84(7),071302(5)
109. 109 Qing-Hong Cao,Edmond L.Berger,Jiang-Hao Yu,and C.P.Yuan , Calculation of associated production of a topquark and a W’ at the LHC , Phys.Rev.D , (2011),84(9),095026(8)
110. 110 Bin Chen,Jiang Long,Jun-bao Wu , Spin-3 topologically massive gravity , Phys.Lett.B , (2011),705,513-520
111. 111 Bin Chen,and Jia-ju Zhang, General hidden conformal symmetry of 4D Kerr-Newman and 5D Kerr black holes,JHEP , (2011),08,114
112. 112 Bin Chen,Chiang-Mei Chen,Bo Ning, Holographic Q-picture of Kerr-Newman-AdS-dS black hole , Nucl.Phys.B,(2011),853,196
113. 113 Kai Wang,Yan-Qing Ma,and Kuang-Ta Chao , QCD corrections to e+e-→J/Ψ(Ψ(2S))+ χcJ(J=0,1,2) at Bfactories , Phys.Rev.D , (2011),84(3),034022(6)
114. 114 Hua-Sheng Shao,Yu-Jie Zhang and Kuang-Ta Chao , Feynman rules for the rational part of the standardmodel one-loop amplitudes in the ‘t Hooft-Veltman γ5 scheme , JHEP , (2011),09,048
115. 115 Hua-Sheng Shao,Yu-Jie Zhang and Kuang-Ta Chao , Dijet invariant mass distribution in top quark hadronicdecay with QCD corrections , Phys.Rev.D , (2011),84(9),094021(11)
116. 116 Yan-Qing Ma and Kai Wang , Complete next-to-leading order calculation of the J/Ψ and Ψ’ production athadron colliders , Phys.Rev.D , (2011),84(11),114001(10)
117. 117 Sergey bastrukov,Jun-Wei Yu,Ren-Xin Xu and Irina Molodtsova, Pulsating magneto-dipole radiation ofa quaking neutron star powered by energy of Alfvén seismic vibrations , Research in Astron.Astrophys. ,(2011),11(9),1085-1092
118. DAI Shi,LI LiXin&XU RenXin , The plateau of gamma-ray burst:hint for the solidification of quark matter? , Sci.China Phy.Mech. , (2011),54(8),1541-1545
119. Xiao-Yu Lai and Ren-Xin Xu , A note on the discovery of a 2M⊙ pulsar , (2011),11(6),687-691
120. J.W.Yu and R.X.Xu , Magnetospheric activity of bare strange quark stars , Monthly Notices of the RoyalAstronomical Society , (2011),414,489-494
121. H.Y.Wang,C.Lin,F.L.Zheng,Y.R.Lu…J.E.Chen,and X.Q.Yan , High-quality proton bunch from laser interaction witha gas-filled cone target , Phys.plasmas , (2011),18(9),093105
122. ZHOU QuanFeng,ZHU Kun,GUO ZhiYu…LU YuanRong&CHEN JiaEr , Tuner design and RF test of a four-rodRFQ , Sci.China Phy.Mech. , (2011),54(2),1-3
123. Lijing Shao and Bo-Qiang Ma , Lorentz-violation-induced vacuum birefringence and its astrophysical
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124. XIAO-GANG HE and BO-QIANG MA , Quantization of black holes , Mod.Phys.Lett.A , (2011),26(30),2299-2304
125. Tao Peng,Bo-Qiang Ma, Tetramixing of vector and pseudoscalar mesons:A source of intrinsic quarks , Phys.Rev.D,(2011),84(3),034003
126. Jiacai Zhu,Bo-Qiang Ma , Three-dimensional parton distribution functions g1T and h 1/1L in the polarized protonantiprotonDrell-Yan process , Eur.Phys.J.C , (2011),71,1807
127. Teng Wang,Tianbo Liu,Da-Xin Zhang,Bo-Qiang Ma , Bc meson rare decays in the light-cone quark model , Eur.Phys.J.C , (2011),71,1758
128. SHAO LiJing &MA BoQiang , Note on a new fundamental length scale l instead of the Newtonian constant G , Sci.China Phy.Mech. , (2011),54(10),1771-1774
129. XIAO-GANG HE and BO-QIANG MA , The CDF dijet excess from intrinsic quarks , Eur.Phys.J.A , (2011),47,152
130. Nan Qin,Bo-Qiang Ma , A new relation between quark and lepton mixing matrices , Phys.Lett.B ,(2011),702,143-149
131. Yuan Gao, Chune Lan, Jianming Xue, Sha Yan, Yugang Wang, Fujun Xu, Bo Shen and Paul K. Chu, Enhancedwet etching of patterned GaN with ion implantation ,J.Nanosci.Nanatechnol., (2011),11(12),10949-10953
132. LV PengNan, Peng ShiXiang, Guo ZhiYu, Yuan ZhongXi, Ren HaiTao, Zhao Jie, Zhang Meng, Chen JiaEr& Lu YuanRong ,Development of high intensity beam emittance measurement unit, Sci.China Phy.Mech.,(2011),54(S2),s287-s291
133. RenXin Xu ,Pulsars: Gigantic nuclei, Int.J. Mod.Phys.E ,(2011),20(S1),149-157
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